Who is Drop Yoga for?

Hot Yoga can be performed by people from all walks of life & part of the allure is its accessibility and its sense of community. We want anyone interested in Hot Yoga to feel at ease during a class at Drop Yoga & not worry about expectations or judgement.

What do I need to bring?

Yoga mats are provided as are blocks to help with some of those tricky poses, so all you really need to bring is a towel, plenty of water and embrace the experience.

What should I wear?

Girls – Outfits designed specifically for Yoga are ideal for both comfort and absorption of sweat, though leggings used for running are also a good choice. For the top half a sports bra or fitted t-shirt should be fine. Try to avoid really loose heavier fabrics if possible, as once they get wet they will become heavy which will increase the level of difficulty.

Guys – A vest or a fairly close fitting t-shirt & on the lower half either running style leggings or adequate length shorts.

Why is it so hot?

It's the heat that really makes the experience worthwhile. You will sweat probably more than you ever have which is a huge part of the benefit of detoxification. During this process, you will reduce water retention from the body along with toxins & chemicals. The heat also has a profound effect on flexibility, allowing the muscles to expand and go beyond their usual range of motion.


It's really hard to give a definitive answer regarding this as it varies from person to person. We think it's best to aim for 2-3 sessions per week if possible to yield the best results, though it's completely up to you.

What to expect

The teacher will take you through each posture or flow and guide you when necessary so don't be afraid to ask for help if required. It can sometimes be difficult at first as you might not know the names of some of the poses–this is completely normal so don't worry just follow along at your own pace & remember this is your class, its ok to have a minute or two if you are finding it difficult– we are here to help